# -------------------------------------------- # CITATION file created with {cffr} R package # See also: https://docs.ropensci.org/cffr/ # -------------------------------------------- cff-version: 1.2.0 message: 'To cite package "statmod" in publications use:' type: software license: - GPL-2.0-only - GPL-3.0-only title: 'statmod: Statistical Modeling' version: 1.5.0 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.32614/CRAN.package.statmod abstract: A collection of algorithms and functions to aid statistical modeling. Includes limiting dilution analysis (aka ELDA), growth curve comparisons, mixed linear models, heteroscedastic regression, inverse-Gaussian probability calculations, Gauss quadrature and a secure convergence algorithm for nonlinear models. Also includes advanced generalized linear model functions including Tweedie and Digamma distributional families, secure convergence and exact distributional calculations for unit deviances. authors: - family-names: Smyth given-names: Gordon email: smyth@wehi.edu.au - family-names: Chen given-names: Lizhong preferred-citation: type: article title: 'statmod: probability calculations for the inverse Gaussian distribution' authors: - family-names: Giner given-names: Goknur - family-names: Smyth given-names: Gordon K. year: '2016' journal: R Journal volume: '8' issue: '1' start: 339-351 repository: https://gksmyth.r-universe.dev commit: f85e32011346fb75d2b967cf2aff1f2e01a10ba8 date-released: '2022-12-28' contact: - family-names: Smyth given-names: Gordon email: smyth@wehi.edu.au references: - type: article title: 'Permutation p-values should never be zero: calculating exact p-values when permutations are randomly drawn' authors: - family-names: Phipson given-names: Belinda - family-names: Smyth given-names: Gordon K. year: '2010' journal: Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology volume: '9' issue: '1' start: Article 39 - type: article title: 'ELDA: extreme limiting dilution analysis for comparing depleted and enriched populations in stem cell and other assays' authors: - family-names: Hu given-names: Yifang - family-names: Smyth given-names: Gordon K. year: '2009' journal: Journal of Immunological Methods volume: '347' issue: '1' start: 70-78 - type: article title: Optimization and nonlinear equations authors: - family-names: Smyth given-names: Gordon K. journal: Encyclopedia of Biostatistics year: '2005' publisher: name: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd start: 3088-3095 - type: article title: Numerical integration authors: - family-names: Smyth given-names: Gordon K. journal: Encyclopedia of Biostatistics year: '2005' publisher: name: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd start: 3088-3095 - type: article title: An efficient algorithm for REML in heteroscedastic regression authors: - family-names: Smyth given-names: Gordon K. year: '2002' journal: Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics volume: '11' start: 836-847 - type: article title: Randomized quantile residuals authors: - family-names: Dunn given-names: Peter K. - family-names: Smyth given-names: Gordon K. year: '1996' journal: J. Comput. Graph. Statist volume: '5' start: 236-244